Agentic AIs: A Guide for the Curious Mind

Agentic AIs: A Guide for the Curious Mind


2 min read

Imagine a world where machines can make decisions, learn from experiences, and work towards goals, much like humans. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of agentic Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this post, we’ll explore what agentic AI systems are and why they matter.

Understanding Agentic AI Systems

Agentic AI systems are like the diligent students of the tech world, constantly learning and adapting. For example, a self-driving car navigating city traffic or a virtual assistant managing your schedule are both agentic AI systems in action.

The Risks of Agentic AI

With great power comes great responsibility. Agentic AI systems, if unchecked, could make decisions that are harmful or unethical. Consider an AI stock-trading system that inadvertently causes a market crash, or a home assistant that compromises privacy by sharing personal data.

Governing Agentic AI Systems

Just as society has laws and regulations, agentic AI systems need governance to ensure they act in our best interests. Governance might look like a set of rules for AI behavior, similar to traffic laws that keep roads safe.

Best Practices for Safety and Accountability

To keep agentic AI systems in check, we could implement practices like regular audits, akin to school exams, to ensure they’re performing as intended. Another practice is transparency, ensuring AI decisions are as clear as a teacher’s explanation on a complex topic.

Future of Agentic AI Governance

The future of AI governance is still being written. It’s like planning for a school’s future; we must consider how to educate and manage these systems to benefit society. Ongoing research will help us develop the ‘curriculum’ for these advanced ‘students.’


Agentic AI systems hold incredible potential to revolutionize our world. By understanding and governing them wisely, we can harness their power for good. Let’s embrace this future with open minds and responsible actions.

Are you inspired to integrate agentic AI into your business? Do you see the potential for transformative change in your company’s future? If you’re ready to take the leap and collaborate on pioneering agentic AI solutions, I want to hear from you.